Changing Power Options in non-administrative user accounts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Boudewyns
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Bob Boudewyns

I'm using Winxphome, latest updates installed.

There is an administrative account, a lower level user account and a guest

In the administrative account I can change power options with no problem:
affecting monitor and hard disk time outs, etc. But, this change does not
affect the other user accounts. In the other accounts these options are set
to Laptop/portable and when I try to change them I'm told "Power policy
manager is unable to set power options. Access is denied." How can I change
the power options for all users?

Only administrator accounts can make those changes, you cannot give that
function to a limited user account (or the guest account). If you want to
make changes within your own user account, logon as administrator and
temporarily elevate it.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
Thanks, Rick.

When I log on as administrator and use Power Options within the control
panel I can change the options for the administrator account. However this
does not change the other accounts. They remain where they were before my
administrative change.

Is there a way to change the non-administrative power options?

Bob Boudewyns
(e-mail address removed)
Rick "Nutcase" Rogers said:

Only administrator accounts can make those changes, you cannot give that
function to a limited user account (or the guest account). If you want to
make changes within your own user account, logon as administrator and
temporarily elevate it.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
As Rick said earlier, while you are in the Administrator account make
the user to which you want to change the power settings a temporary
Administrator (elevate his/her privileges). Then log on to the user's
account and change the power setting, log out of the user's account and
log back on to the Administrator account and remove the elevated
Administrator privileges from the said user's account.

Fri, 25 Aug 2006 23:04:37 -0500 from Bob Boudewyns
I'm using Winxphome, latest updates installed.

There is an administrative account, a lower level user account and a guest

In the administrative account I can change power options with no problem:
affecting monitor and hard disk time outs, etc. But, this change does not
affect the other user accounts. In the other accounts these options are set
to Laptop/portable and when I try to change them I'm told "Power policy
manager is unable to set power options. Access is denied." How can I change
the power options for all users?

Isn't this silly? A limited account can't change its own power
options, and an administrator account can't change them for the
limited user.

I don't think there's even a way for an administrator to grant a non-
admin user the ability to change power options -- at least, I
couldn't find anything in the policy editor. Can anyone confirm this
or (hopefully) correct me?

As has been posted, the workaround is

(1) Log into your admin account. Elevate the user account to an

(2) Log into the user account and set power options.

(3) Log back into the real admin account, and set the user account
back to limited.
Thanks, John.

Somehow I misread Rick's answer. I think I had expected a more direct way to
handle this and his answer seemed to misunderstand the question! But, now I
see he was right on.