I have a stored procedure that does not return records but needs two
parameters to run
@ SAP_code & @Source
@SAP_code = interger @source = varchar
I can run the SP by inputting the parameters in the SQL view
going into queries desgin view and clicking on "pass-through".
I would like create a form with text feilds where this data can be updated
from using the "enter" event.
I have tried using the following code.
Private Sub Text9_Enter()
Set qryd = dbs.QueryDefs("fm.uspDelForcast")
qryd.Parameters("@sap_code") = Me!Text7
qryd.Parameters("@Source") = Me!Text9
End Sub
but I get an "object required error" on the Set qryd line.
My VBA coding is weak at best, am I even on the right track?
I have two more SP's with the same problem but they both return records and
have 4 seperate required params, I am hoping the code would be similar as
long as I set the connection string to return records = true
parameters to run
@ SAP_code & @Source
@SAP_code = interger @source = varchar
I can run the SP by inputting the parameters in the SQL view
going into queries desgin view and clicking on "pass-through".
I would like create a form with text feilds where this data can be updated
from using the "enter" event.
I have tried using the following code.
Private Sub Text9_Enter()
Set qryd = dbs.QueryDefs("fm.uspDelForcast")
qryd.Parameters("@sap_code") = Me!Text7
qryd.Parameters("@Source") = Me!Text9
End Sub
but I get an "object required error" on the Set qryd line.
My VBA coding is weak at best, am I even on the right track?
I have two more SP's with the same problem but they both return records and
have 4 seperate required params, I am hoping the code would be similar as
long as I set the connection string to return records = true