Changing Meassage Box Title

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
  • Start date Start date


I have a message box that I would like to change the title of. Right now it
say's Microsoft Excel

Here is the code I have, but I am missing something. According to the book I
have this should work.

'Greeting Message Bob
Dim Title As String

If Me.Engineer_2.Value = "Bozeman" Then
If Time < 0.5 Then
Msg = "Morning "
ElseIf Time < 0.75 Then
Msg = "Afternoon "
Msg = "Evening "
End If

Msg = "Good " & Msg & "Mr. Bozeman"
Msg = Msg & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
Msg = Msg & "Welcome to the C.E.S."
MsgBox Msg

Title = "C.E.S."

End If

Any ideas?
This line:

MsgBox Msg


MsgBox Msg, , "Title"

Substituye your title for the word "Title". Note the commas.
Just for clarification:

The message box has three elements:
1. The message must be a string or a string variable. Strings are enclosed
in quoteation marks, but the string variables are not.

2. Buttons and icons. These are optional items but the default is vbOK
which puts a button with the caption "OK" on the message box display.

3. The title must be a string or string variable.

When using the message box as an information medium only, you do not use the
parenthesies or equal sign. However when using the message box as a
function, you must assign a variable and use the equal sign and then the
parentheses to enclose the three elements.

I hope this helps rather than confuses.
After I changed it, it still say's Microsoft Excel at the top on the message

I also tried to change the = to a -, but it gives me a Compile error:
Expected Sub, Function, or Property Meassage

In the book I am reading it shows the - sign, not the = sign. Which one
should I be using?

'Greeting Message Bozeman
Dim Title As String

If Me.Engineer_2.Value = "Bozeman" Then
If Time < 0.5 Then
Msg = "Morning "
ElseIf Time < 0.75 Then
Msg = "Afternoon "
Msg = "Evening "
End If

Msg = "Good " & Msg & "Mr. Bozeman"
Msg = Msg & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
Msg = Msg & "Welcome to the C.E.S."

MsgBox Msg, , "Title"

Title = "C.E.S."

End If

Thanks & Merry Christmas
If I was doing it, I would use the ComboBox click event. I would put this
code in the UserForm code module. In design mode, right click on the form
and select View Code. Paste this in the code window.

Private Sub Engineer_2_Click()
If Me.Engineer_2.ListIndex = - 1 Then
Exit Sub
If Time < 0.5 Then
Msg = "Morning "
ElseIf Time < 0.75 Then
Msg = "Afternoon "
Msg = "Evening "
End If
Msg = "Good " & Msg & Me.Engineer_2.Value
Msg = Msg & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
Msg = Msg & "Welcome to the C.E.S."
Titl = "C.E.S."
MsgBox Msg, , Titl
End If
End Sub

Now the code will run as soon as the user selects a name from the ComboBox.
If the ComboBox has no selection, then the message box does not display.
Notice also that the "e" was remove from the word "Title". That is because,
Title is a reserved word that is used in the parameters portion of the
message box and some other functions and methods such as InputBox. It is a
good practice to avoid using reserved words for variables that might have
different definitions and characteristics than those assigned in VBA source

Have a good Christmas and New Year.
Would you help me with several other Items I am working on? I have a command
button that I want to open a file.

In this line of code I only want to retrieve the WorkBook ("Master
Engineering Spec.xlsm". It shows all files with the xlsm extension. Can I
narroww it down to only to only Show the Document "Master Engineering
Spec.xlsm"? I bet you have a better way of doing this. It seems like I took
the long way and even then I see all the files with the same extention.

' Open Existing Engineer Spec 9 Control Button

Private Sub Open_Existing_Engineer_Spec_9_Click()

FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Master Engineering
Spec(*.xlsm), *.xlsm")

If FileToOpen = False Then

MsgBox ("Cannot Open File")

Exit Sub

End If

Set bk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FileToOpen)
End Sub

The code you are using is for when you do not know the exact name of the
file you want to open. When you do know the exact name, including the file
extension, and the workbook is in the current directory that your active
workbook is in then you can use the syntax:

Workbooks.Open Filename:="Master Engineering Spec.xlsm"

or another syntax form:

Workbooks.Open("Master Engineering Spec.xlsm")

So your event procedure would then become:

Private Sub Open_Existing_Engineer_Spec_9_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks.Open("Master Engineering Spec.xlsm")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The open method failed"
End If
End Sub

The above code will open the file if the directory path is the same as the
workbook containing the calling code AND if the file extension is correct.
In xl2007 the file extension is of importance because some people have the
same file name with macros and without macros, each having a different file
extension code. Prior to xl2007, the files would have required a different
name or would have to have been in different directories. Give the above
code a try to see if it works. If it does not find the file it will give
you a message.
With this code I am getting a compile error: Only Comments may appear after
End Sub, End Funcition, or End Property. All I wanted to do was to be able to
open an exsisting file Named "Spec.xlsm".

' Open Existing Engineer Spec 9 Control Button

Private Sub Open_Existing_Engineer_Spec_9_Click()

End Sub

FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Spec (*.xlsm), *.xlsm")

If FileToOpen = False Then

MsgBox "The Open Method Failed, No Document Opened", , "C.E. S."

Exit Sub

End If

Set bk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FileToOpen)
End Sub

Look at what you have in the code window. Each procedure can have only one
title line, the line that starts with Private Sub or just Sub, and only one
closing line, the line that says End Sub. If you have entries before the
title line that are not declarations such as Option Explicit, Public or
Const the compiler will balk. If you paste code into a window and it
automatically adds the End Sub line where you already have an End Sub line,
you have to delete one of those lines or it will cause the compiler to balk.
Just check in that code window to make sure you have deleted any extra line
before or after your procedure.
Is it possible to set the File Save as File Name from User Form Box Names?
Example: These are text Box Names.
"Spec TEO_No_1 CLLI_Code_1 CES_No_1 TEO_Appx_No_2 .xls"

I would like for it to look something like this:
Spec 2HCC201200 ATLNGACS 403711 00

I am not sure it can be done

Thanks Again
You need to start a new thread. When you post your questions, try to
realize that the person responding to you cannot see your monitor screen and
cannot read your mind. The questions should be clear and unambiguous. Use
VBA terminology if you can, so there is no misunderstanding of what you are
referring to. Instead of asking if something is possible:

1. State your objective.
2. Explain what you have tried, if anything.
3. Post any code you have tried and show where error messages occurred and
what the message was.
4. When referring to controls like ListBox, ComboBox, TextBox, etc. state
whether they are on a UserForm or a Sheet. If they are on a sheet, identify
their source as Forms Toolbar or Control Toolbox, since the two types have
different property characteristics and require different code for use.
5. It is helpful to know what version of Excel you are using, but is not
always necessary.
6. Questions related to worksheet data manipulation should provide a top
level description of the data base layout, i.e. Headers on row 1, Columns A
thru F, with or without formulas or any information pertinent to analyzing
the problem or developing the solution. Colums are/are not dynamic in
length. Which ones?

These type things help the responders to see what you see.
I posted a new thread

Thanks for all your help

JLGWhiz said:
You need to start a new thread. When you post your questions, try to
realize that the person responding to you cannot see your monitor screen and
cannot read your mind. The questions should be clear and unambiguous. Use
VBA terminology if you can, so there is no misunderstanding of what you are
referring to. Instead of asking if something is possible:

1. State your objective.
2. Explain what you have tried, if anything.
3. Post any code you have tried and show where error messages occurred and
what the message was.
4. When referring to controls like ListBox, ComboBox, TextBox, etc. state
whether they are on a UserForm or a Sheet. If they are on a sheet, identify
their source as Forms Toolbar or Control Toolbox, since the two types have
different property characteristics and require different code for use.
5. It is helpful to know what version of Excel you are using, but is not
always necessary.
6. Questions related to worksheet data manipulation should provide a top
level description of the data base layout, i.e. Headers on row 1, Columns A
thru F, with or without formulas or any information pertinent to analyzing
the problem or developing the solution. Colums are/are not dynamic in
length. Which ones?

These type things help the responders to see what you see.