Changing location of Page Insert as default

  • Thread starter Thread starter zxcvar
  • Start date Start date


Greetings! How can make I make Page Insert to "Top of page (Header)" instead
of "Bottom of page(Footer)" permanently. I always use page insert on right
side of top of page. I know I can click the down arrow and then click on
"Top of Page". But it is a small hassle.With thanks.
You are using Insert>Page Number. I don't know how or
even if you could change the default.

One problem with Insert>Page Number is that is puts the
{Page} field in a frame. To see this, click your page
number and notice the dashed border that appears. You can
now drag that page number anywhere on the page. The frame
is not bad in itself if you and future users know it is
there, but it can lead to problems. For instance, you can
delete the page number, and leave the frame.

I recommend you record a simple macro of the steps you
take to place a page field in your header. Drag
the Insert Page Number command off your Insert Menu and
replace it with the macro.

When you want to insert the page number click Insert>(Your Macro Name - Call
it Page Number) and you have a page field anchored in place in the header.

The steps:

Open a blank document
Tools>Macro>Record New Macro
Type InsertPageNumber in the name field and click OK
View>Header and Footer
Position the cursor
CTRL+F9 to insert field code brackets
Type PAGE inside the { }
SHIFT+F9 (to toggle field codes)
Close the Header and Footer toobar
Stop the macro recorder.

Click the Insert menu and drag the Page Number command off
the toolbar.
Click the commands tab on the customize dialog box
In the categories window, select macros
In the commands window find your recorded macro
Drag that macro and drop it on the Insert Menu
Right click the macro and click in the name field. Change
the name to Page Number.

Or, the following has been offered as a better solution. You be the judge:

Create a specific document template with the page
field in the desired location and use this template when creating documents
that need to be numbered (do *not* add this to

It is not a good idea to use Insert|Page Number for the
fact that it does put it in a text box. It would be best
to View|Header and Footer and click on the # sign on the
header/footer toolbar to insert your page number.

To center it, press tab while you are in the header. MUCH
cleaner, especially if documents are being sent back and
forth. Less change for corruption.