Changing Local Admin Passwords!



Hello and thank you for reading. Currently I change my Local Admin
passwords using cusrmgr and it works great however, I do not know if it
works for the systems until there is a problem. Does anyone have a better
way of changing local admin passwords for 200+ systems? I would really like
something that gives me a response if it fails on some systems, or at least
some notification that it worked. Thanks in advance!


Run a login script from a Group policy assigned to either startup or login
script. place the file in the GPO Script folder so that it is not accessible
by other users. If you check out MS Script center you can easily log it to a
specific machines application log with some tweaks. It only takes about 5
seconds and run every time. here is the .vbs code to get ya started.

strComputer = "." '<--- leave it to "." and it will run on the local box
Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & "/Administrator, user")
objUser.SetPassword "test"



for /f "usebackq" %%i in (c:\pullchg1.txt) do psexec.exe %%i net.exe
user administrator password >> c:\reportlog.txt

load psexec to your system32 directory,

create a list for pullchg1.txt; this is the computer name list,

and when its done it will log everything to reportlog.txt



Nex6 said:

for /f "usebackq" %%i in (c:\pullchg1.txt) do psexec.exe %%i net.exe
user administrator password >> c:\reportlog.txt

load psexec to your system32 directory,

create a list for pullchg1.txt; this is the computer name list,

and when its done it will log everything to reportlog.txt

I would Never, place a password in a startup script or policey.

but thats just me, I am paranoid :)




the script will run form a win2k workstation and it will change all
machines in the list, that you have local admin rights to.


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