Changing Inbox background colour



The background of my inbox (Outlook 2002 XP) has gone from white to blue -
not sure how that happened. Can anyone tell me how to get it back to white
again? Thanks.

Scott Atkins[MSFT]


Outlook uses a file called frmcache.dat to quickly load forms. It's possible that this file is corrupt on you machine, and deleting it will resolve your issue.

To find a file, go to the Start menu and choose Find > Files or Folders. In the Named: box, type in the name of the file you are searching for.... "frmcache.dat"
Make sure you have your hard drive(s) selected in the "Look In" box, and the Include subfolders box is checked. Click on the "Find Now" button.

Once you find this file, delete it (Outlook will rebuild it the next time it's launched)


Scott Atkins MCSE, MCSA
Partner Technical Lead - Outlook
Microsoft Technical Support
for Platforms and Business Applications

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

PMJI, but Scott, what does the forms cache have to do with the original query about the background color for the Inbox display?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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