I have taken a bunch of pictures with a digital camera at a very high
resolution. Each picture is almost 2MB in size. Obviously these are not an
ideal size for emailing to friends and family. Does anyone know of an
application in which i can easily adjust the size of the photos reducing the
file size. So far I have been using a graphics program and editing each
picture individually. I am looking for something a little less time consuming
as I have about 200+ pictures that I need to adjust.
resolution. Each picture is almost 2MB in size. Obviously these are not an
ideal size for emailing to friends and family. Does anyone know of an
application in which i can easily adjust the size of the photos reducing the
file size. So far I have been using a graphics program and editing each
picture individually. I am looking for something a little less time consuming
as I have about 200+ pictures that I need to adjust.