Changing Icons



on restart, any new program icons and various others, some in Control Panel,
revert to the standard .exe. icon ( white box & blue top bar ). Some icons I
can change, others not, but on restart they appear back as the standard.
If I use the change icon facility, the various choices are there, but will
not change when selected.
Can anyone please help with this annoying problem.
Grateful thanks!.

George Hester

Normally that happens when the icon resource is no longer available. That could be because the file itself
that is used to start the application is missing; it could happen because the file itself has permissions set so
that your login cannot access the file; it could be your shelliconcache is corrupted although a reboot should
fix that. If not try right-clicking on the desktop | Properties | Appearance | drop down select Icon | drop size
down to 31 from 32 | Apply | OK. Do this again but put the size back to 32.


George Hester said:
Normally that happens when the icon resource is no longer available. That could be because the file itself
that is used to start the application is missing; it could happen because the file itself has permissions set so
that your login cannot access the file; it could be your shelliconcache is corrupted although a reboot should
fix that. If not try right-clicking on the desktop | Properties | Appearance | drop down select Icon | drop size
down to 31 from 32 | Apply | OK. Do this again but put the size back to 32.

George Hester

I found the 'shellIconcache' file and deleted this, on restart it rebuilt and fixed the problem - simple but effective!. Thanks for your help.

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