Changing graphics in background of form

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Hi there,

My company is about to be I need to change
the appearance of all the Outlook forms in use. At the
moment the forms display the company logo, and I need to
update them to the new logo.

The problem is that when I change the graphic on the form
and then either save the form or republish the form, when
I go to open it up the original graphic is displayed...and
the one I have changed it to vanishes!!

I have set the graphic up by right clicking in the
background of the form and selecting Advanced Properties.
I've then selected the Picture field, browsed to the new
graphic, selected it and clicked on Apply. The graphic
changes on the form...but once it has been saved and I
reopen the saved version the original one still appears!?!?

Anyone got any ideas!!


Just making sure of the order of things. You open your
form in design mode, set the graphic on the form, publish
the form then save the form in the same forms library as
the original, over writing the original.

In your post you said you make the change and then save
the form. You must publish the form first. It is the
icon with the triangle and diskette. After that you save
the form. If there is code running in the background of
the form you probably want to answer NO to a question
that will pop up. I forget the wording of the mesage but
if you click yes the form will do what is called one off
and it wont work as expected.

Hi there,

Thanks for getting back to me...I normally work from
locally stored copies - my company has recently merged
with another and I no longer have permissions to save to
the Organisational Library....

But here's what I have just done: I opened a locally
stored copy of a form and then published it to my Personal
Forms Library. Then I opened the published version and
changed the graphic, published the form back to the
Personal Forms Library and then saved a copy locally.

I then checked the date/time stamp on the form in my
personal library and it reflects the change that I
made...but when I open it up the original graphic still
remains and the one I changed it to is nowhere to be seen??

If I'm doing something stupid can you please let me
know...I really donn't want to have to create these forms

