in message:
Hi Greg,
Thank you for the advice..
I did not add a new field to my table or form. I did add a pull down menu to
an existing field in my table. I think I now understand the dangers of doing
You might have misunderstood exactly what John was talking about. John
was explaining the dangers of "Lookup Fields." From your description you
said you added a drop down box in the table itself. This is usually frowned
upon by experienced developers as it somewhat *deceives* you as to what
exactly is saved in the record. Making a combo box on a form to select from
a list of items is the preferred method.
I expected that the form would have detected the change in the
underling table but I guessed wrong.
Yes, you guessed wrong. Most changes to tables will not be reflected
in the various other database objects (forms, queries, reports). This is
why it is usually said to "get the tables right" before doing anything else.
Granted there are occasions where a table change is needed, but
hopefully this should be rare.
I created the form again through "Create form by using wizard" and the form
was created as expected.
Whether you manually created the form or made one by the wizard will
still require some modifications if you make changes to the underlying table(s).
This does bring to mind a general question-- -- If you have a fairly complex
form and you change an underling table do you need to recreate the form from
scratch or is there a general guideline as to when/what type changes to
underling tables will require you to recreate forms.
Usually, recreating a new form is not necessary. Sometimes the only thing required
is to delete the existing control on the form bound to that specific field you changed,
re-select that field from the "Field List", and drag a new control onto the form. This
new control will *inherit* whatever changes you may have made. You still may need
to adjust any formatting, tab stop settings, etc. Generally a lot of this just comes
from experience.