Here's what I do:
I go to Tools/Folder Options/File Types
I select MP3 Winamp Media File
I click Advanced
I click Change Icon
I change the icon and close the windows.
Everything is fine. The Winamp Media files have the icon I want.
Now I shut down the computer. When I reboot, the settings are lost
and it reverts back to the old icon I don't want.
How do I get it to remember the new icon setting?
I go to Tools/Folder Options/File Types
I select MP3 Winamp Media File
I click Advanced
I click Change Icon
I change the icon and close the windows.
Everything is fine. The Winamp Media files have the icon I want.
Now I shut down the computer. When I reboot, the settings are lost
and it reverts back to the old icon I don't want.
How do I get it to remember the new icon setting?