Changing ComboBox Contents


John Smith

Hey folks,

I've got a combobox (DropDown List) in a windows form application which is
bound to a DataSet.
It's value is set to a numeric ID. It's visible text is set to a date. I
need to make it so that the first item shows the words "Most Recent" instead
of the date.

I've tried setting the SelectedItem, Text, and SelectedText of the list box
to "Most Recent", when the SelectedIndex changes to 0, but nothing happens.
I also tried changing it in the dataset before (and after) it is bound, by
ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1] = "Most Recent", but that does nothing
either. It always displays the date instead. I think it may be related to
the fact that the ValueType in the DataSet is a DateTime.

Any idea how to accomplish this?



Because the list is data bound, the selected item has to be within the data
itself. And yes, I suspect that the problem with changing the dataset is that
the column in question should be a date.

If you are getting the dataset via a SQL select command, you could use a
query such as:
SELECT 0 AS ID, 'Latest Revision' AS Date
SELECT id, CONVERT(varchar(30),thedate) FROM mytable

assuming that there are no items in the table with ID = 0.


John Smith

Thanks Chris,

I had thought about doing something similar to your suggestion but it would
be a bit tough because the dataset is populated from a system wide search
class I had created.

Instead I did:
System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem []ls = new

ls[0] = new ListViewItem();

ls[0].Tag = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();

ls[0].Text = "Current";

for(int i=1; i<ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)


ls = new ListViewItem();

ls.Tag = ds1.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[0].ToString();

ls.Text = ds1.Tables[0].Rows.ItemArray[1].ToString();


this.lstBox.DataSource = ls;

this.lstBox.DisplayMember = "Text";

this.lstBox.ValueMember = "Tag";

Chris Ballard said:

Because the list is data bound, the selected item has to be within the data
itself. And yes, I suspect that the problem with changing the dataset is that
the column in question should be a date.

If you are getting the dataset via a SQL select command, you could use a
query such as:
SELECT 0 AS ID, 'Latest Revision' AS Date
SELECT id, CONVERT(varchar(30),thedate) FROM mytable

assuming that there are no items in the table with ID = 0.


John Smith said:
Hey folks,

I've got a combobox (DropDown List) in a windows form application which is
bound to a DataSet.
It's value is set to a numeric ID. It's visible text is set to a date. I
need to make it so that the first item shows the words "Most Recent" instead
of the date.

I've tried setting the SelectedItem, Text, and SelectedText of the list box
to "Most Recent", when the SelectedIndex changes to 0, but nothing happens.
I also tried changing it in the dataset before (and after) it is bound, by
ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1] = "Most Recent", but that does nothing
either. It always displays the date instead. I think it may be related to
the fact that the ValueType in the DataSet is a DateTime.

Any idea how to accomplish this?

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