It is not so much a factor of authenticating with IIS. If you are using
the certificate for client authentication, the CA must evaluate the
certificates for revocation when they are presented.
If you change the CDP URLs at the CA, the change is only affected in the
certificates that are issued after the modification. The CDP contains
the URL information put in the certificate by the CA at the time of
certificate issuance. You cannot modifiy this attribute in any way,
shape, or form, as it will invalidate the signature on the certificate.
So, as Vishal stated, you would have to re-issue *all* client
certificates, if you wish to change the URL location. Alternatively, if
you are using a similar path, why not redirect with a CNAME record.
Bad form to respond to your own response, but I wanted to clarify
If the relevant CRL is maintained (and updated prior to each expiration
date of the CRL) in the local machine's Intermediate CA cert store, then
it will not matter whether the client certificates' CDP URLs are correct
or incorrect. Maintaining the CRL in this store would have to be done
manually, or via a periodic batch job.
If the CRL happens to already be kept in the internet cache and is
updated at appropriate intervals, that is *not* sufficient to ensure
that the CRL will be available to perform revocation checking of client
certs with misconfigured CDP URLs. If the CRL also happens to have
*already* been referenced by the same process when validating a
correctly configured certificate and is already loaded into the same
process that is attempting to validate the misconfigured client cert,
then the CRL should be found and used for the client cert. Since IIS
may not actually have to verify its own certificate (clients do that),
this sequence of events is too tenuous to be relied on. This prompted
Vishal's statement that the old client certs should be re-issued, to be
certain they will properly validate.
For more information on how CRL checking is performed (especially the
fact that the certificate chaining engine will check the inetcache
before using the CDP to download a CRL, check the Troubleshooting
certificate status and revocation whitepaper at
Brian (again)