changing boot names in dual boot situation

  • Thread starter Thread starter jbclem
  • Start date Start date


I have two instances of Win2000 on my computer, so when I boot up there is a
screen where I can pick one of them. Since they both have the exact same
name I'd like to change one of the names to make it easier to identify each
one. How can I do this?

jbclem said:
I have two instances of Win2000 on my computer, so when I boot up there is a
screen where I can pick one of them. Since they both have the exact same
name I'd like to change one of the names to make it easier to identify each
one. How can I do this?

- Click Start / Run / notepad c:\boot.ini {OK}
- Modify the desciption(s) between the double quotes.
- Save & exit.
Edit the boot.ini file. The file is a hidden read-only system file in
the root of the System drive, usually C:\. At a Command Prompt issue:

attrib c:\boot.ini -s -r -h

Then to open the file issue:


Notepad will open the file, edit the descriptive text exit and save the
file. Then issue:

attrib c:\boot.ini +r +s +h

The file looks like this:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows 2000 Server" /fastdetect

The Descriptive text _BETWEEN_ the quotation marks is what you want to
edit, "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" DON'T change anything
outside of the quotation marks.
