I upgraded my hard drive, installed windows xp pro.
When I contacted Award Bios to see if there was an update for it,there
was. I paid $40.00 for the e-mail flash. Then received it- copied it
to a floppy. When I booted up the computer, It did not work. the
floppy had no enough space. called award back (tech support) and he
yelled go to "What you do before calling tech support". I downloaded
boot 98se program. Copied it to a floppy and added their files also.
The tech had me remove a lot of files that was not needed. Then added
necessary files. It still did not work. So Award sent me a chip puller
and new chip. I installed it and still would not boot up correctly.
The tech support then had me remove the battery for 8 hours.
That still did not work,so I reinstalled the original chip. Now it
boots up ok, But forgets the last settings. I removed the
battery-Installed it so I can see the + and - signs.
Now it's ok.
I still would like to flash the chip. But Awards tech support needs
Its a Packard bell model 880 Cyrix 6x86 MX processor 244MHZ
256 Ram
Hope you can help me.
Have sence,patience,and self-restrain,and no mischief will come.