Changing backcolour

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony Williams
  • Start date Start date

Tony Williams

I'm trying to change the backcolour of all my forms and am using this code
in a module

Public Sub ChangeAllControlProps()
Dim dbCur As Database
Dim doc As Document
On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Set dbCur = CurrentDb
For Each doc In dbCur.Containers("Forms").Documents
DoCmd.OpenForm doc.Name, acDesign
Section.backcolor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
DoCmd.Close acForm, doc.Name, acSaveYes
Next doc
Set dbCur = Nothing
Exit Sub

Select Case Err.Number
Case 438 'Property does not exist
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Resume ExitHere
End Select
End Sub

It seems to run through all the forms but doesn't change the backcolour and
when it's finished running I get an error message
424-Object required
Anyone help me with this?
This line looks wrong:

Section.backcolor = RGB(255, 255, 255)

You need to specify which form and which section e.g.:

Forms(doc.Name).Section(acDetail).backcolor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
Thanks Baz that worked just fine! How would I amend that line to change the
backcolour of the form header?
And what about changing the backcolour of all tabcontrols?
Thanks, really appreciate this
Hi Baz this gives an error message
2462-The section number you entered is invalid
Any ideas?
"2462-The section number you entered is invalid"

This is just a guess, but perhaps you have forms with the header height set
to zero?This might cause an error to be thrown when trying to set the
backcolor on a form section that, in reality, doesn’t exist.

As for changing the tabbed page colors, the prolific Stephen Lebans has a
workaround here:

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000

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That's because it's found a form which doesn't have a header. Just trap the
error and ignore it.