Changing Author Name in an existing cell's comment



Is there way to change/remove the Author name(Property) of
an existing comment within a cell. VBA Help says you can
set or return the Author Property. Return the existing
name is no problem, it's the setting I having issues with.
I like to change the Author's name so the Excel Status Bar
consistently shows the same name (or no name) for all
cells that contain comments (example: Cell A1 Commented
by 'my company name').


Randall Arnold

Bill, if I understand you right, I have the following line of code in one if
my subs and it works:

ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author") =

It can go the other way, as well.

Randall Arnold


Hi Randall,

Not quite. Your code works great for setting the Author
property of the Workbook. I'm looking to set/change the
Author's name of an individual cell's comment. When you
hover over a cell that contains a comment, the comment's
Author will show up in the Excel status bar. I'm looking
to change that name. Any other suggestion.


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