changing appearance of desktop icons xp pro



I run xp pro sp1 and the icons on the desktop have a text
description under the icon with a background color. How
can I change from a background color to transparent?


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


If you have web items enabled on the desktop, you will get the background
color on your icons. To disable the background we items, go to the display
properties/desktop tab/"customize"/web tab, uncheck the entries listed here.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Alex Nichol

joek said:
I run xp pro sp1 and the icons on the desktop have a text
description under the icon with a background color. How
can I change from a background color to transparent?

Control Panel - System - Advanced - in Performance click Settings
In the panel in Visual effects, check 'Use drop shadows for icon labels
on Desktop', near the bottom

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