Changing a Movie Title After Movie Is Saved

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Thanks to help I received here, I finished my first movie project and it
turned out really well. I'm trying to change the title of the movie and have
not been able to do it. I put "Test" in the title, thinking I could "Save
Project As" later on and re-name it without "Test" in it. I did click on
"Save Project As' and re-named the movie, but no matter what I do, even
though it appears in "My Videos" without the "Test," when I play the movie,
"Test" is always there. It's no big deal, I guess, but I'm going to be
sending the movie to people and would rather not have "Test" showing up in
the title.

Thanks so much!
Thanks for your fast reply! I didn't explain it very well. I WAS working in
mswmm form when trying to change the title. I'll use this as an example.
Say my first title was "Because of You Test 1" and when I had it the way I
wanted it, I wanted to get rid of the "Test 1". (Don't ask why I thought I
had to put that stupid "Test 1" in there - aack!!! - won't do THAT again!!)
Anyway, I did the "Save Project As" thing, saving it as "Because of You."
Then I saved the movie file, changing the title when the time came to
"Because of You" because at that point, the "Test 1" was still showing. I
thought that by deleting "Test 1" and just typing in what I wanted would
eliminate the "Test 1," but it didn't. When the movie played back, (as an
wmv) the "Test 1" was still in the title. I don't mean the caption/title
area in the actual movie, I mean it was showing in the title in the movie box
that the movie is shown in - where it shows the name of the movie playing.
(Real technical term, huh? Sorry!) Does that make sense? I was just
trying to change the "Saved As" title, not the title that is in the actual
movie. I know I'm being about as clear as mud. Sorry again! (I hope you're
not scratching your head, looking at the Help Wanted ads!) I just don't want
it to say "Test" anywhere on the viewer - that wouldn't look too
professional!! (I find the less I know about what I'm talking about, the
more words it takes to say it - and I still don't make sense!) :(

if you mean the name that shows up in WMP in your playlist... you can change
it with the File Manager that's included in the Encoder package, without
re-rendering the file.... it's one of the file's properties.

there's a link to the Encoder on my Setup Movie Maker > Other Software page
of my website.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:
Just said:
Thanks for your fast reply! I didn't explain it very
well. I WAS working in mswmm form when trying to change
the title. I'll use this as an example. Say my first
title was "Because of You Test 1" and when I had it the
way I wanted it, I wanted to get rid of the "Test 1".
(Don't ask why I thought I had to put that stupid "Test
1" in there - aack!!! - won't do THAT again!!) Anyway, I
did the "Save Project As" thing, saving it as "Because of
You." Then I saved the movie file, changing the title
when the time came to "Because of You" because at that
point, the "Test 1" was still showing. I thought that by
deleting "Test 1" and just typing in what I wanted would
eliminate the "Test 1," but it didn't. When the movie
played back, (as an wmv) the "Test 1" was still in the
title. I don't mean the caption/title area in the actual
movie, I mean it was showing in the title in the movie
box that the movie is shown in - where it shows the name
of the movie playing. (Real technical term, huh? Sorry!)
Does that make sense? I was just trying to change the
"Saved As" title, not the title that is in the actual
movie. I know I'm being about as clear as mud. Sorry
again! (I hope you're not scratching your head, looking
at the Help Wanted ads!) I just don't want it to say
"Test" anywhere on the viewer - that wouldn't look too
professional!! (I find the less I know about what I'm
talking about, the more words it takes to say it - and I
still don't make sense!) :(

Truth is, I have no idea what you are
talking about...

If you fact...working with the
..mswmm project file...all you have
to do is right click / delete the current
title/s and create a new one.


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP

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Hi! Thanks so much! I went to one of your sites and had a "light bulb
moment." I needed to go to "Properties" and delete what I wanted to get rid
of. That's the only place I hadn't done anything with.

Thanks again!
Thanks! I figured out what I needed to do - I needed to go to "Properties"
and delete what I didn't want.

Thanks again for your help.