Gary Hull
I am trying to turn some controls in a subform on or off by
using a check box on the main form, can’t get it to work
Here is the code on the check box click event
Private Sub ckShowAWIPrice_Click()
If Me.ckShowAWIPrice = -1 Then
Me!frmDataSubform.Form!txtStandardBond.Visible = True
Me!frmDataSubform.Form!txtStandardNet.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
using a check box on the main form, can’t get it to work
Here is the code on the check box click event
Private Sub ckShowAWIPrice_Click()
If Me.ckShowAWIPrice = -1 Then
Me!frmDataSubform.Form!txtStandardBond.Visible = True
Me!frmDataSubform.Form!txtStandardNet.Visible = False
End If
End Sub