Andrei said:
hello, does anyone know how can I change the workgroup from command prompt
For NT4/Win2k and WinXP, you can use Netdom.exe v1.8 to change workgroup, see
section "Command line, join workgroup" here:
From: Torgeir Bakken
Subject: Re: Join Workgroup then join domain, via WSH?
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.scripting.wsh
Date: 2002-09-09 14:03:29 PST[email protected]
Some notes:
Netdom.exe needs to be run with an account that is member (directly or
indirectly) of the Administrators group on the local computer
The server service needs to be available and not disabled or removed for
netdom to work (at least when you want to join a domain, workgroup I
don't know), see this thread for more info about this:
Subject: Re: Join Computer to a Domain with NetDom