Phil Smith
I have a data table that uses data by week. That data has 52 weeks. I
build a linechart and end up with a Y axis running from 1 to 52. Great.
I replace that Data table via Cut and Paste with a data table that only
goes from 1 to 26. The data in my chart changes to reflect that,
(good,) but the Y-Axis still goes from 1 to 52, instead of 1 to 26.
This wastes half of the space in my graph. I am going to eventually
automate this with data From Access.
How can I reset that Y-Axis to reflect the data?
build a linechart and end up with a Y axis running from 1 to 52. Great.
I replace that Data table via Cut and Paste with a data table that only
goes from 1 to 26. The data in my chart changes to reflect that,
(good,) but the Y-Axis still goes from 1 to 52, instead of 1 to 26.
This wastes half of the space in my graph. I am going to eventually
automate this with data From Access.
How can I reset that Y-Axis to reflect the data?