Nass, I respect your reply.
I'm not too sure you know what the word actually means, to be honest.
Normally I just let this sort of thing slip on by but since I have a
moment I do have a few things to say about your post.
Yep it's true, I started my life in IT . I stayed there 3 years
becfore getting another job in the organisation earning a lot more
money. When people ask me why I left IT, I always reply "cos I wanted
a proper job".
Why do I have this feeling that IT were happy to see you go, and that
your current spot doesn't with you'd stuck with IT?
From my experience, IT Depts are full of arrogant, unhelpful,
patronising a*rsh*les. I won''t go on.
Then you have very little actual IT experience. You posess little
empathy, are quick to ignite, don't care that others don't understand
your scribblings and speak from exactly 1 (one) experience. You also
have a power problem in that you want control over equipment that does
not belong to you and for which you were not given responsibility. You
think the rules are for others, not for you.
Sadly, most people agree with me.
Most people certainly do not agree with you by any means. I disagree
with you. Most of the many people I have worked with as a technician
initially and a Sr. Engineer and then Mgr and finally Dir of NA Ops
disagreed with you. Oh, there were a few who agreed with you: The
constant complainers, the egotists who knew everything better than
anyone else did, those who had no respect for the company or the other
departments they have to work with, and one or two I can only describe
as psycho paths. Over my career I'd estimate that to come out to around
a thousand people over three organization, one huge, one large, one
family operated and owned.
The solution to most IT problems seems to be "switch off your PC and
then switch it back on again".
Gee, funny how that often works, too, for some problems. Having to have
IT tell you that though, says a LOT about you. It's often something you
should have already tried and should have been included in your request
for action to IT.
Gosh, didn't think of that. Aren't you clever?
For some reason, I'm sure you didn't. And they are often clever; IT is
different; they have to work with the public, and you are part of their
public. I used to call types such as you sound like the "pubic".
Actually, it's "Hey IT person, get off your a*rse, come over here and
fix the problem PERMANENTLY".
Yeah, I'd be sure to run right over there too, and give you a permanent
fix on something all right. That sentence say more about you than any
of your other miscarriages and abuses of the world around you.
My original question was prompted by someone in IT seeing fit to put
up one of his own photo's as the background picture on everyone's PC.
It's multicouloured, blurred and obsures icons. It's ridiculous. We've
wasted hours talking about the problem. At what cost to the company?
What next? White text on a white background?
Who is "we" in the above? Are you saying here that the one single IT
department you do have some experience with is comprised of 1 (one)
person? You sure seem to be. If I was a 1-man IT I'd sure have a lot
of time for you, too; first you'd have to REstart your computer before
we discussed anything further, and you'd have to have an accurately
written problem description too in place too, entered by way of the
policy's rules.
We've asked to have it changed. No joy. No surprise there.
Who is "we"? Who did you ask? How did you ask? I can just imagine the
answers to those questions. Even as the 1-man IT department's manager,
I'd tend to side with IT too, considering your command of the English
language and the Interpersonal Skills any professional should know and
maintain at all times.
Yes, I understand why IT have put a block on changing the backgrounds
but come on, be sensible!!!
All I want is a solid background.
So, bullying, probably lying, rumor-mongering and who knows what are
your methodologies, eh? I notice that sentense is all "I" all of a
sudden, no vague "we". Where'd "we" go to? What if someone else wants
a different color? A pattern? A completely different desktop? Should
they get their way too? I can already hear the resounding YES from you.
Is there a simple solution without having to change the registry (or
getting into trouble!!!) ?
I promise to put up one of the backgrounds from Windows.
Your promises are nothing here; even less than meaningless. I promise
to never ever comment toyou again in a post. I promise you there ARE
ways to accomplish what you want. But it's not something you alone,
with your very poor tactics and attitudes can pull off. And chances are
seriously against your getting to do it yourself from the sound of it.
So, you think there are no other alternatives left. I can think of
three which are very reasonable. One of them involves your leaving that
company and going elsewhere for work so you can get some more experience
with IT.
It's a shame that so many IT people ignore IT policies.
It is? That's totally contrary to everything you've previously said.
Atta way, build up your credibility.
My mate got reprimanded for breaking the IT policy. Guess what, he was
IT Manager !!!
Sooo, uhh, that's unfair somehow? I'd say that manager is a lot smarter
than you are, and knew how to accept the problem he'd created, whatever
it was. Same goes for the IT guy who simply applied a policy rule
equally to all from the sound of it. But I can see here you think his
manager should have been above the rules? You're wrong. When people
don't lke the rules, they find the channels necessary to change the
Your signature is contradictory.