Change user account names and directories in Windows XP of old PC?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter S.
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Peter S.

Once upon a time I owned a Dell 550 MHz PC running Windows XP Pro SP2.
Recently, I sold this PC to a friend of mine. In the process of removing my
name, Peter A. Sale (aka, Peter Sale) from every place that it appears in
this PC, and replacing it with my friend's name, Dave, I have run into two
final occurrences of my name (I hope these are the last occurrences).
Since this was my PC, I set up my Windows XP user account (administrator)
with my name, Peter A. Sale. Later, I attempted to change my user account
name from Peter A. Sale to just Peter. Now I have two directories-
Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale and Documents and Settings|Peter- that
I want to "safely" remove from Dave's PC. I just checked, and there are
four User Accounts currently defined on this PC- Dave Hopkins (admin), Temp
(admin), ASP.NET (limited) and Guest (acct is off).

So my questions are as follows:
1. How can I completely and "safely" remove directories
Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale
Documents and Settings|Peter
replacing them with, say Dave?

2. Given the four User Accounts on this PC, why do the directories
Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale
Documents and Settings|Peter
even exist?
You don't have to delete a profile of a user account.. the best practice is
just rename the account, that way you maintain the whole profile... you can
do that by right clicking the MY COMPUTER icon and choose Manage, then expand
"System tools" if not already, expand "Local Users and Groups" and click on
"Users", right click the user account that you intend to change and click
"Rename". If you delete a Profile the system will recreate it so in order to
accomplish that, you first have to remove the account from within the "Users"
in the previous console and then delete the user's profile...
You don't provide much info on how you create/rename these accounts in order
to figure out if something was wrong with the procedure...
I created the "Peter A. Sale" user account around a year ago during my
upgrade on that PC from Windows 98 SE to Windows XP Pro. That is, during
the Windows XP Pro installation process, I was asked to create a User
Account, and I chose to name that account Peter A. Sale. A short time
later, I installed a program (PanoCube) that does not function properly if
it or any of its data reside in a directory path that contains blank spaces,
for example, "Peter A. Sale," so I attempted to shorten my User Account name
to just "Peter." This did not resolve the problem with that application
because I had initially installed that program into c:\Program
Files\PanoCube and the data in c:\Documents and Settings\Peter A. Sale.
Both of these directory paths contained spaces. I wound up installing the
program and its data in c:\panocube, but I was left with c:\Documents and
Settings\Peter A. Sale and later with c:\Documents and Settings\Peter. Now
I want to change the user accounts on this compute to reflect its new owner,
Dave, not its old owner, Peter or Peter A. Sale.


Peter Sale
Santa Monica, CA USA
To email me, just pull 'my-leg.'

"kchat" replied ...
Just delete the accounts you don't need "control
userpasswords2" in the run dialog box...delete as needed ...and then
navigate to the "Documents and settings" folder to remove the users profiles
....renaming a user and assigning a new name would do too...else create a new
user with the appropriate name...
Once upon a time I owned a Dell 550 MHz PC running Windows XP Pro SP2.
Recently, I sold this PC to a friend of mine. In the process of removing my
name, Peter A. Sale (aka, Peter Sale) from every place that it appears in
this PC, and replacing it with my friend's name, Dave, I have run into two
final occurrences of my name (I hope these are the last occurrences).
Since this was my PC, I set up my Windows XP user account (administrator)
with my name, Peter A. Sale. Later, I attempted to change my user account
name from Peter A. Sale to just Peter. Now I have two directories-
Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale and Documents and Settings|Peter- that
I want to "safely" remove from Dave's PC. I just checked, and there are
four User Accounts currently defined on this PC- Dave Hopkins (admin), Temp
(admin), ASP.NET (limited) and Guest (acct is off).

So my questions are as follows:
1. How can I completely and "safely" remove directories
Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale
Documents and Settings|Peter
replacing them with, say Dave?

2. Given the four User Accounts on this PC, why do the directories
Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale
Documents and Settings|Peter
even exist?

When you logon to a newly created a user account, folders with
corresponding names are created. If you later rename that account, the
"friendly" name changes but the folder names remain the same.

Create a new account for Dave. Delete your old accounts.
I ran "control userpasswords2" in the run dialog box, clicked on a user
account I created a year ago by the name of temp. A "User Accounts" popup
was appeared that displayed following warning:
"You chose to remove PETER-38FSGJQ2Y\Temp from this computer's user list.
PETER-38FSGJQ2Y\Temp will no longer be allowed to use this computer.
Are you sure you want to remove PETER-38FSGJQ2Y\Temp?"

Since I was certain I wanted to delete the User Name "Temp," I pressed
"Yes." It appears to me that User Name "Temp" was successfully removed,
leaving only User Names - Administrator, ASPNET, and Dave. However, somehow
my name, PETER, appeared in that "User Accounts" Popup when I removed the
"Temp" account, and I'm betting my name -PETER- is also part of the path to
the three remaining User Names. It is my Name that I wish to completely
change and/or remove from this PC WITHOUT loosing any configuration settings
for User Account DAVE or ASPNET or Administrator.
Peter said:
Once upon a time I owned a Dell 550 MHz PC running Windows XP Pro SP2.
Recently, I sold this PC to a friend of mine. In the process of removing my
name, Peter A. Sale (aka, Peter Sale) from every place that it appears in
this PC, and replacing it with my friend's name, Dave, I have run into two
final occurrences of my name (I hope these are the last occurrences).
Since this was my PC, I set up my Windows XP user account (administrator)
with my name, Peter A. Sale. Later, I attempted to change my user account
name from Peter A. Sale to just Peter. Now I have two directories-
Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale and Documents and Settings|Peter- that
I want to "safely" remove from Dave's PC. I just checked, and there are
four User Accounts currently defined on this PC- Dave Hopkins (admin), Temp
(admin), ASP.NET (limited) and Guest (acct is off).

So my questions are as follows:
1. How can I completely and "safely" remove directories
Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale
Documents and Settings|Peter
replacing them with, say Dave?

2. Given the four User Accounts on this PC, why do the directories
Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale
Documents and Settings|Peter
even exist?

The user profile folders (C:\Documents and Settings\Username)
_cannot_ be renamed, even if the associated user account has been.
So, your best course of action would be to log on using the built-in
Administrator account, create a new user account, with the username
desired. You can then delete the old user account(s) and associated files.

HOW TO Create and Configure User Accounts in Windows XP;en-us;279783

How to Copy User Data to a New User Profile;en-us;811151


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH
This technique sounds promising. However, there were only four User
Accounts defined on this PC- Dave Hopkins (admin), Temp (admin), ASP.NET
(limited) and Guest (acct is off). I say "were" because I successfully
deleted the Temp(admin) account as I detailed in a previous post in this
thread. That leaves no User Account named "Administrator" (built-in, or
otherwise) to logon to. I'm speculating that a year ago I simply renamed
the "built-in" Administrator User Account to "Dave Hopkins", but I don't
really remember. After all, it was a year ago. That being said, if I logon
to User Account "Dave Hopkins," create a new User Account named
Administrator, and give it Administrator authority, won't this new
Administrator User Account still put its files in a new folder in either of
the currently existing paths
"Documents and Settings|Peter A. Sale" or "Documents and Settings|Peter"?

It is existence of these paths (that contain my name) that I am attempting
to remove from my friend Dave's PC. Remember that this is a very actively
used PC with four email accounts on Outlook Express and perhaps hundreds of
configuration settings that I do not wish to loose and/or mess up.


Peter Sale
Santa Monica, CA USA
To email me, just pull 'my-leg.'
"Sharon F" replied...
When you logon to a newly created a user account, folders with
corresponding names are created. If you later rename that account, the
"friendly" name changes but the folder names remain the same.

Create a new account for Dave. Delete your old accounts.
Peter Sale replied ...
After creating a new User Account for Dave, and prior to deleting my old
User Accounts on this PC, what can I do to bring over ALL programs, emails,
email accounts (for example, OE 6 & Office Small Business 2003) and
configuration settings from the "old" User Account (Admin) that Dave has
been using for the past eight months into the newly created User Account for

The reason I want to be sure to get this right is that my friend (Dave) has
just purchased a new 1.6 GHz Centrino notebook running Windows XP Pro SP2,
and after I have "repaired" his desktop PC I plan to migrate all of Dave's
User Account settings from his User Account on his old desktop to his newly
created User Account on his new Notebook via the Windows XP Files and
Settings Transfer Wizard (FAST). Obviously I would rather not migrate any
references to me (Peter or Peter Sale) that remain on his old desktop over
to his brand new notebook.

Peter Sale
Santa Monica, CA USA
To email me, just pull 'my-leg.'
Peter said:
This technique sounds promising. However, there were only four User
Accounts defined on this PC- Dave Hopkins (admin), Temp (admin), ASP.NET
(limited) and Guest (acct is off). I say "were" because I successfully
deleted the Temp(admin) account as I detailed in a previous post in this
thread. That leaves no User Account named "Administrator" (built-in, or
otherwise) to logon to. I'm speculating that a year ago I simply
renamed the "built-in" Administrator User Account to "Dave Hopkins", but
I don't really remember.

Yes, if there is no account named "Administrator, you must have renamed
it, as the built-in Administrator account cannot be deleted. The
built-in account should still be easily identifiable, however, from
within the Computer Management Console. The account's description -
unless you also changed it - should read "Built-in account for
administering the computer/domain." Simply rename this account back to
"Administrator." If you did change the description, as well as the
account's name, a simple test would be to delete the account. If it can
be deleted, it wasn't the built-in Administrator account. If you cannot
delete it (and you're not currently logged in to it, then it's the
built-in account.

It is existence of these paths (that contain my name) that I am
attempting to remove from my friend Dave's PC. Remember that this is a
very actively used PC with four email accounts on Outlook Express and
perhaps hundreds of configuration settings that I do not wish to loose
and/or mess up.
Right-click My Computer > Properties > Advanced > User Profiles.
Delete the profiles bearing your name.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH
The reason I want to be sure to get this right is that my friend (Dave) has
just purchased a new 1.6 GHz Centrino notebook running Windows XP Pro SP2,
and after I have "repaired" his desktop PC I plan to migrate all of Dave's
User Account settings from his User Account on his old desktop to his newly
created User Account on his new Notebook via the Windows XP Files and
Settings Transfer Wizard (FAST). Obviously I would rather not migrate any
references to me (Peter or Peter Sale) that remain on his old desktop over
to his brand new notebook.

FAST will transfer settings and data to the user account of your choice.
It's a good choice for this and Peter shouldn't show up anywhere except
maybe mail settings (accounts within the email client). Mail account
settings will transfer as they are now setup (minus passwords). If this is
something you would encounter, create a mail account. Export/import old
messages following the directions provided by the email program.