Change the order of items in a report?



I have a report (a purchase order) that is created from a form and a sub
form. The sub form contains my product number and quantities. The problem I
am having is when I go to my report the part numbers and quantities are not
in the order I listed them. For example today I made one up with two line
items of the same part number, the first line was 500 pieces and the second
was 300 pieces. On my report it came out with the 300 on top then the 500. I
thought maybe it was sorting by the quantities so to check I added another
line of 800 and then the 800 came out on top. How do I set this up to list
the first item first and so on?

Thank you,


If the order or items in your Purchase Order is important, you will need to
save 'LineNumber' or somthing like that in your table as well is
The database only guarantees to return items in a given order if they are
explicitly sorted in that order. There is certainly no guarantee that they
will be returned in the order they were entered...




I have a report (a purchase order) that is created from a form and a sub
form. The sub form contains my product number and quantities. The problem I
am having is when I go to my report the part numbers and quantities are not
in the order I listed them. For example today I made one up with two line
items of the same part number, the first line was 500 pieces and the second
was 300 pieces. On my report it came out with the 300 on top then the 500. I
thought maybe it was sorting by the quantities so to check I added another
line of 800 and then the 800 came out on top. How do I set this up to list
the first item first and so on?

Thank you,

Add a Date/Time field to your sub-table. Set it's Default Value
property to Now().

Each time a new record is created, the date and time will be saved for
that record as well.
In the Report, set the Report Sorting and Grouping dialog to sort on
this field.
Now when the report prints, the records will be in the order they were

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