Bill Stanton said:
There's NO "Look In" option given, only the tables
visible to A2K on the local folder that contains the
front-end mde. The ONLY option buttons are:
"OK", "Cancel", "Select All" and "De-select All".
Only after you select all, and hit ok, are you then prompted for the
location. If the existing location is ok, then it simply re-links. If the
existing location is NOT ok, then you are given the standard file browse
dialog in which you can browse to the back end location. In some cases, you
actually MIGHT ALREADY have a legitimate link, but STILL WANT TO CHANGE the
location. In that case, note the little "Always prompt for a new location"
check box. Check that box, and you will ALWAYS be asked for the location.
(as mentioned, you only need to use that check box if the current back end
link is ok, and you want to *still* change the location).
One thing I found to be strange was that the first
time I used the "Link Table Manager" on the client,
I had to install the feature from the Office2K product
disk. Perhaps not, as the XP system is new on the
client and Office2K was re-installed on the refreshed
system? I don't recall having to install the feature in
the past?
You are correct, many features like wizards, and some addins like the
calendar control are not installed by default. However, for later versions,
I do believe the linked table manger is now included by default.