I created Macro that open several workbooks (actually 17 of them) at
the same time like this;
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"H:\Month End Work\FY 2009\02-09 RUI SALES\01 - Feb09 CFW.xls"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"H:\Month End Work\FY 2009\02-09 RUI SALES\11 - Feb09 CFW.xls"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"H:\Month End Work\FY 2009\02-09 RUI SALES\21 - Feb09 CFW.xls"
It works fine till I have to use it for the following month. I have to
go back to my Macro and change manually the directory from 02-09 to
03-09 and file name from Feb09 to Mar09.
I need your help if you can advise me the more practical way to do it?
Do I need to change my Macro or write another Macro?
Thank you so much.
the same time like this;
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"H:\Month End Work\FY 2009\02-09 RUI SALES\01 - Feb09 CFW.xls"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"H:\Month End Work\FY 2009\02-09 RUI SALES\11 - Feb09 CFW.xls"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"H:\Month End Work\FY 2009\02-09 RUI SALES\21 - Feb09 CFW.xls"
It works fine till I have to use it for the following month. I have to
go back to my Macro and change manually the directory from 02-09 to
03-09 and file name from Feb09 to Mar09.
I need your help if you can advise me the more practical way to do it?
Do I need to change my Macro or write another Macro?
Thank you so much.