Change the case of first letters



Hello to everyone,

I have a database in Access with only one table. One of the fields, called
Name, contain the first and the last name. My problem is that some of the
names are in upercase mode. I want to change the uppercase mode in a form
like this: "First Last", just the first letters of the words to be uppercase.

How cand I do that?

Wayne Morgan

Check the StrConv() function using the vbProperCase argument. Be aware, this
won't work properly with names that may have more than one upper case
letter, such as McCoy.


Can you give me an example of how to use StrConv() function using the
vbProperCase argument?

John Spencer

In a query, you can't use the VB constants, so you would need to use its
value (3)

SELECT StrConv([Name],3) as CaseName
FROM YourTable

You might have to switch the delimiter in the above to ; vice , - depends on
your regional settings.


Thank you for the example John, but I wanted an example uf update query, not

John Spencer said:
In a query, you can't use the VB constants, so you would need to use its
value (3)

SELECT StrConv([Name],3) as CaseName
FROM YourTable

You might have to switch the delimiter in the above to ; vice , - depends on
your regional settings.

Emilian from Romania said:
Can you give me an example of how to use StrConv() function using the
vbProperCase argument?

Douglas J. Steele

UPDATE YourTable
SET CaseName = StrConv([Name],3)

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Emilian from Romania said:
Thank you for the example John, but I wanted an example uf update query,

John Spencer said:
In a query, you can't use the VB constants, so you would need to use its
value (3)

SELECT StrConv([Name],3) as CaseName
FROM YourTable

You might have to switch the delimiter in the above to ; vice , - depends
your regional settings.

"Emilian from Romania" <[email protected]>
in message news:[email protected]...
Can you give me an example of how to use StrConv() function using the
vbProperCase argument?


Check the StrConv() function using the vbProperCase argument. Be
won't work properly with names that may have more than one upper case
letter, such as McCoy.

Wayne Morgan
MS Access MVP

"Emilian from Romania" <Emilian from
(e-mail address removed)>
wrote in message
Hello to everyone,

I have a database in Access with only one table. One of the fields,
Name, contain the first and the last name. My problem is that some
names are in upercase mode. I want to change the uppercase mode in a
like this: "First Last", just the first letters of the words to be

How cand I do that?

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