I tried to post this once.... but dont see it now.. so I will try one more
time... then I'm done...
I personally HATE the extra border thickness in Aero ! So... first I right
clicked on the desktop and selected personalize. Then I selected Color and
Appearance. Then I selected Open Classic appearance properties. Then
Advanced.. I then changed the active window border to 1.
Ok.. that helped some.. but not NEARLY enougth for me !
So.. I found the following registry keys that can be change by hand:
HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowsMetrics
I changed BorderWidth to -5 and PaddedBorderWidth to -5
VOILA ! Nice thin sleek borders that dont waste display real estate !!!!!
Hope this helps others...
OH.. btw.. if you go back to classic properties and make a change AFTER you
make these registry edits.. they will get set back... FYI !!!

time... then I'm done...
I personally HATE the extra border thickness in Aero ! So... first I right
clicked on the desktop and selected personalize. Then I selected Color and
Appearance. Then I selected Open Classic appearance properties. Then
Advanced.. I then changed the active window border to 1.
Ok.. that helped some.. but not NEARLY enougth for me !
So.. I found the following registry keys that can be change by hand:
HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowsMetrics
I changed BorderWidth to -5 and PaddedBorderWidth to -5
VOILA ! Nice thin sleek borders that dont waste display real estate !!!!!
Hope this helps others...
OH.. btw.. if you go back to classic properties and make a change AFTER you
make these registry edits.. they will get set back... FYI !!!
