Change Tabs

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Is there a way change from one tab to another without
clicking on the tab?

For instance I have an "Agy Info" tab and a "Contact Info"
tab. When a person enters the last field on the Agy Info
tab I want them to be able to press the Tab Key and be
brought to the 1st field under the Contact Info tab.

Thanks in advance.
I guess you could put code in the "Lost Focus" event of the last field on
the Agy Info that wouls set the focus to the first field on the Contact Info

Rick B

Is there a way change from one tab to another without
clicking on the tab?

For instance I have an "Agy Info" tab and a "Contact Info"
tab. When a person enters the last field on the Agy Info
tab I want them to be able to press the Tab Key and be
brought to the 1st field under the Contact Info tab.

Thanks in advance.
To expand on this,
You might want to add an unbound control (a very small button with its
transparent property set to Yes) that gets the focus from the last data entry
control on the page through normal tab order. You can then use the button's on
focus event to set the focus to the next control on the next page.

The advantage of this method is that when the user presses tab in the last
control on page 1, the focus moves to the next page and control. BUT, when the
user clicks on a control on page 1 (needs to go to another control because of a
data entry error) it goes to the control on page 1 instead of jumping to page 2.