Change Size of Datasheet View

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karen
  • Start date Start date


I have not found any way to change the size of a
datasheet view - actual dimensions plus font. We can
increase the font, yet not the dimensions of a datasheet.
The user is resorting to using a screen magnifier.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
I have not found any way to change the size of a
datasheet view - actual dimensions plus font. We can
increase the font, yet not the dimensions of a datasheet.
The user is resorting to using a screen magnifier.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

Do you mean you wish to make the column width wider or the column
height taller?

You can adjust all row height and column width using
Format + Column Width (and/or Row Height).

You can also make individual columns wider.
Place the cursor on the dividing line between field names in the
column header. The cursor will change to a +. Drag it in the direction
you wish to go. Only that column will be affected.

You can not make individual rows taller.
To make ALL rows taller manually, place the cursor at the extreme left
of the rows. When the cursor changes to a +, drag the row. All rows
will be affected,

Thanks for the suggestions. This is a datasheet view that
the users use daily. They want the size to be permanent
once they adjust it, they don't want to resize it
manually every day, or every time they open it.

To think of it a different way, they want to be able to
magnify the zoom... which really sounds like something
that should go on an Access wish list!

Thanks again!

Thanks for the suggestions. This is a datasheet view that
the users use daily. They want the size to be permanent
once they adjust it, they don't want to resize it
manually every day, or every time they open it.

To think of it a different way, they want to be able to
magnify the zoom... which really sounds like something
that should go on an Access wish list!

Thanks again!
Did you try it?
I gave you the how-to Karen.
You have to first make the changes.
When you exit the table, you will be prompted to save the changes.
If you save the changes, it will be that way when you re-open the

Come to think about it, why are you having anyone look at, or work in,
the table any way. That's a good way to lose or mis-manage data.

Or did you mean a Form in datasheet view.
In Form Datasheet view it will work the same as table datasheet view,
except the changes are saved automatically without you're being
asked.... UNLESS someone has coded the column width and height to be a
particular size when opened, in which case you'll need to find and
change the code.

And what do you mean by " magnify the zoom"?
Form's have a Zoom Box, but not Tables.
You can open any particular control in Zoom Box by coding it's double
-click event, (DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdZoomBox) however it must be done
each time a control is accessed. I know that's not what you want.
It is the datasheet view on a table. The size of the
datasheet (view) does not save. The font size can be
changed. For example, say the datasheet on a very small
table displays in 3x4 inches. The users want it much

I am not the one troubleshooting, just the messenger.
Since I am the messenger, I may not have worded the
question the best way possible, but sometimes generic
questions turn up some really good solutions and ideas on
what to try next.

I have not tested it, but the support person that is
testing is very competent and has tried many methods
before I sent the initial question, including everything
you recommended. He received the zoom recommendation
earlier from another source and is testing it.

The database belongs to the user, so they have every
right to access it. We have very technically competent
users here.

Karen said:
It is the datasheet view on a table. The size of the
datasheet (view) does not save. The font size can be
changed. For example, say the datasheet on a very small
table displays in 3x4 inches. The users want it much

As table datasheets are not intended as a user interface they support very
few features that make them user friendly as an interface. Create a
Datasheet view FORM and use that instead. It should take all of 10 seconds
to accomplish.
Thanks Rick,

Good suggestion!
-----Original Message-----

As table datasheets are not intended as a user interface they support very
few features that make them user friendly as an interface. Create a
Datasheet view FORM and use that instead. It should take all of 10 seconds
to accomplish.

I don't check the Email account attached
to this message. Send instead to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com
