Change selected record on form based on selection in subform?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
  • Start date Start date



Change selected record on form based on selection in subform?

I am creating an order entry database. The main order entry form shows the
information for one order. It has a tabbed section. A subform on one of
these tabs contains a list of all of the orders by this customer.

When the user double-clicks a row (ie. an order) on the subform, the main
form should move to that order.

I can capture the order number that was double-clicked (teseted by
displaying order number in a msg box). On the main form, I can change the
selected order via an unbound combo box (listing orders) that changes the
record set to the selected order. However, I have not been able to put the
two things together. Tried a few different compands to change focus to the
main form (works), but the record set change is always applied to the
subform instead
of the main form.

Thanks in advance.
