I have a continuous form (frmContacts) that displays all contacts between a
client and their mentor by date. Users have the ability to amend individual
records while keeping the original records intact by clicking a command
button (cmdAmd) to open up another form to enter alternate data into
tblAmend. The records are related via the RecordID. The original record
continues to show up on frmContacts but users have the ability to run reports
based either on original or amended data. Now my question...I'm looking for
an easy way for users to visually recognize the records that have been
amended when they look at them on frmContacts. My thought was to place a
border around the Amend button and change the color if there was an amended
record attached to the original record. For instance, the border is
generally blue, but would change to red if the record had been amended. Can
I do this? If so, how?
client and their mentor by date. Users have the ability to amend individual
records while keeping the original records intact by clicking a command
button (cmdAmd) to open up another form to enter alternate data into
tblAmend. The records are related via the RecordID. The original record
continues to show up on frmContacts but users have the ability to run reports
based either on original or amended data. Now my question...I'm looking for
an easy way for users to visually recognize the records that have been
amended when they look at them on frmContacts. My thought was to place a
border around the Amend button and change the color if there was an amended
record attached to the original record. For instance, the border is
generally blue, but would change to red if the record had been amended. Can
I do this? If so, how?