Change in start-up behaviour after update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Theodore Stathopoulos
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Theodore Stathopoulos


My IBM ThinkPad T42p laptop computer was delivered to me with Windows XP SP1
preinstalled from the factory. The very first time I turned it on I set up an
account in my name "Theodore" with administrator's privileges as I was asked
to do by the introductory registration screen which appeared before Windows
XP Professional start loading. "Theodore" and "Guest" were then the only
available in the User's Accounts dialogue box and every time I started my
system I could see a plain Windows welcome screen with the word "Welcome"
exactly in the middle, without the name of my account, and shortly afterwards
my desktop with my wallpaper and icons appeared.

However, as my system caught a virus, a few days ago, I had the Windows XP
Professional SP1 reinstalled by the computer's Restore and Recovery feature
to its factory delivery state and subsequently, I connected through the
Internet to the Microsoft Update website and had Windows XP SP2, Windows XP
SP3, Internet Explorer 8 as well as all the other available updates,
including the latest version of .NET Framework, downloaded and installed on
my system.

From that time, however, the behaviour of my system at start up has changed
and I do not know the reason. Namely, I can see again the Windows welcome
screen but this time it is divided in the middle by a vertical line with the
word "Welcome" appearing to the left and my account name "Theodore" to the
right of this vertical line. The Windows start up process stops here and
every time I have to click on the name of my account for the start up process
to continue so that I will see my desktop with my wallpaper and icons.

I have also noticed that after the installation of the latest version of
..NET Framework, one more account, namely ASP.NET has been created in the User
Account dialogue box and I naturally wonder if this is the reason for this
change in my Windows start up behaviour as well as if there is something I
can do to restore my system's behaviour EXACTLY to what it was before the
upgrade as it has been analytically described above so that I can very
briefly see the Windows XP Welcome screen without the vertical line and my
account name before the system automatically loads my desktop.

I would appreciate a lot a correct answer by someone who has the right
knowledge on that matter.

My IBM ThinkPad T42p laptop computer was delivered to me with Windows XP SP1
preinstalled from the factory. The very first time I turned it on I set up an
account in my name "Theodore" with administrator's privileges as I was asked
to do by the introductory registration screen which appeared before Windows
XP Professional start loading. "Theodore" and "Guest" were then the only
available in the User's Accounts dialogue box and every time I started my
system I could see a plain Windows welcome screen with the word "Welcome"
exactly in the middle, without the name of my account, and shortly afterwards
my desktop with my wallpaper and icons appeared.

However, as my system caught a virus, a few days ago, I had the Windows XP
Professional SP1 reinstalled by the computer's Restore and Recovery feature
to its factory delivery state and subsequently, I connected through the
Internet to the Microsoft Update website and had Windows XP SP2, Windows XP
SP3, Internet Explorer 8 as well as all the other available updates,
including the latest version of .NET Framework, downloaded and installed on
my system.

From that time, however, the behaviour of my system at start up has changed
and I do not know the reason. Namely, I can see again the Windows welcome
screen but this time it is divided in the middle by a vertical line with the
word "Welcome" appearing to the left and my account name "Theodore" to the
right of this vertical line. The Windows start up process stops here and
every time I have to click on the name of my account for the start up process
to continue so that I will see my desktop with my wallpaper and icons.

I have also noticed that after the installation of the latest version of
.NET Framework, one more account, namely ASP.NET has been created in the User
Account dialogue box and I naturally wonder if this is the reason for this
change in my Windows start up behaviour as well as if there is something I
can do to restore my system's behaviour EXACTLY to what it was before the
upgrade as it has been analytically described above so that I can very
briefly see the Windows XP Welcome screen without the vertical line and my
account name before the system automatically loads my desktop.

I would appreciate a lot a correct answer by someone who has the right
knowledge on that matter.

The ASP.Net account is created as part of one of the .NET Framework
installs and should be left alone. However, since there are now 2
"user accounts," besides the Administrator, you XP is now set for
"selecting" the user account. Locate, download and install TweakUI
for XP (part of the Powertoys for XP.) Then select "Logon" section
and remove the check marks next to the account you do not want to see
on the Welcome screen.
Theodore said:
I have also noticed that after the installation of the latest version
of .NET Framework, one more account, namely ASP.NET has been created
in the User Account dialogue box and I naturally wonder if this is
the reason for this change in my Windows start up behaviour as well
as if there is something I can do to restore my system's behaviour
EXACTLY to what it was before the upgrade as it has been analytically
described above so that I can very briefly see the Windows XP Welcome
screen without the vertical line and my account name before the
system automatically loads my desktop.

Lots of info...



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