change icon?



I was wondering how to change a drive icon. I have a Western Digital
external hardrive and it has an ugly icon. I like the default xp drive icons
better. Is there a way to change it?


In said:
I was wondering how to change a drive icon. I have a Western
Digital external hardrive and it has an ugly icon. I like
the default xp drive icons better. Is there a way to change

In Windows Explorer or My Computer, double click on the ugly
icon to open up your external hard drive. Look for a file named
autorun.inf. Rename this file autorun.old. You may have to
restart or log off and back on but when you do you should see
the default hard drive icon.

FYI, if you ever come up with a different drive icon that you
would like to use for your WD drive put it in the Autorun
folder on the external drive and rename the file back to

Good luck


Steve Cohen

My external WD drive has an autorun folder on it that contains the icon.
Copy a new .ico file over the old one but save the old one under a different
name in case you want to go back.

The Autorun folder is hidden so you will have to make sure that your Folder
Options\View is setup to show hidden files.


In Steve Cohen had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
My external WD drive has an autorun folder on it that contains the
icon. Copy a new .ico file over the old one but save the old one
under a different name in case you want to go back.

The Autorun folder is hidden so you will have to make sure that your
Folder Options\View is setup to show hidden files.


Showing Hidden Files:

Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"We approached the case, you remember, with an absolutely blank mind,
which is always an advantage. We had formed no theories. We were simply
there to observe and to draw inferences from our observations." -
Sherlock Holmes


Thanks all! that worked great
Nepatsfan said:
In Windows Explorer or My Computer, double click on the ugly icon to open
up your external hard drive. Look for a file named autorun.inf. Rename
this file autorun.old. You may have to restart or log off and back on but
when you do you should see the default hard drive icon.

FYI, if you ever come up with a different drive icon that you would like
to use for your WD drive put it in the Autorun folder on the external
drive and rename the file back to autorun.inf.

Good luck


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