Change Highlight Color in a Textbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Charles A. Lackman
  • Start date Start date

Charles A. Lackman


Looking for help changing the Highlight color in a Textbox in VB.NET.

Any Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Almost everybody in this newsgroup is using VB6 or lower. While you may
get a stray answer to VB.NET (including VB2003 and VB2005 which has
dropped .NET from its name) questions here, you should ask them in
newsgroups devoted exclusively to .NET programming. Look for newsgroups
with either the word "dotnet" or "vsnet" in their name.

For the microsoft news server, try these newsgroups...


There are some others, but these should get you started.

Rick - MVP
I believe the highlight color for a textbox is determined by the system
settings. I don't think there an easy way to change this. You will probably
have to draw the textbox yourself to achieve this.

Regards, Jakob.
I believe the highlight color for a textbox is determined by the
settings. I don't think there an easy way to change this. You will probably
have to draw the textbox yourself to achieve this.

You might be right (I don't know myself), but do you know this to be a
fact for TextBox'es in VB.NET?

Rick - MVP
The textbox used by the System.Windows.Forms namespace in .net is based on
the Win32 Edit control. So if you can not do it using the Win32 API (and I
don't think you can) then you can not do it .net.

Regards, Jakob.