Hi Keith,
I have used this registry trick before to do this. The problem I always
have is determining the number for the icon in the dll? Is there an
easy way to do this?
Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User
That icon is here:
autorun.inf doesn't seem to like that format, but the registry doesn't
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Copy the text between the lines & save as a .reg file, them merge into
the registry. You'll need admin privledges to modify HKLM.
Good Luck,
Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
the picture here:
shows the typical "Documenten" folder.
Thank you
You need to perform the following.
1. In the root of the drive where you want the icon to appear, rihgt
and select New/Folder. Name the folder Autorun.
2. Open Notepad and enter the following text.
Save this file with the name Autorun.INF and place it in the
root of
the drive.
The xxxx is trhe name of the Icon file you wish to use.
3. Place this icon in the Autorun Folder that you created.
The problem is finding the icon you wish to use. There are a lot of
different "document" icons in Vista. You may need to use an icon
utility to get a copy of this icon. What program is this icon
There are many websites that have many, many icons that are free of
Just make sure that it is in the Windows .ICO format.
Use Google to search for "free icons"
Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User
I use a seperate drive for all of my documents
I want to use the Vista documents icon for that drive. Where can
I -
1) find the document icon
2) change the hard drive icon to that one