Change GroupBox position

  • Thread starter Thread starter Saber S
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Saber S

How can I do that?
I tried:

GroupBoxFileText.Location.X = STH

but I get error: "Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target
of an assignment."
I also tried STH as interger and as string.
* "Saber S said:
I tried:

GroupBoxFileText.Location.X = STH

but I get error: "Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target
of an assignment."
I also tried STH as interger and as string.

'GroupBoxFileText.Left = STH' or
'GroupBoxFileText.Location = New Point(STH, ...)'.
Thanks Herfried,
It works :)

It is strange for me as a newbie when I see Location.X and Location.Y in
GroupBox properties window,
but I've to use GroupBox.Left and GroupBox.Top ...
* "Saber S said:
Thanks Herfried,
It works :)

It is strange for me as a newbie when I see Location.X and Location.Y in
GroupBox properties window,
but I've to use GroupBox.Left and GroupBox.Top ...

It's strange, because 'Point' is a structure and the properties 'X' and
'Y' are r/w.