Change format of cells



I have a spreedsheet where the entries can only be Y, N, NA, N/A. o
left blank and the numbers of each are totalled.

Even though the sheet is clearly marked what entries can be used, som
of the sheet sometimes enter space Y, instead of Y, or N space A,
instead of
NA, zeroes etc. There are other various errors which result i
totals being shown.

How can I get a cell to show an error, if the cell entry is not one o
y, n, na, n/a or left blank.

This would indicate to the user that they have made an error? and the
have to enter again.
I tried conditional formatting but there are only 3 choices, I a

Can this be done?

Any help greatfuly appreciated.

Regards Bil


use <data(menu)-validation>

in some range of cells e.g. F1 to F4 type y,n,na,n/a
highlight the cells where the user has to enter the value
e.g. A1 to A10
click data-validation
in data validation window choose <settings> in the line <allow >(cick the
arrow) and choose <list>
source---click the reference in the right extreme right in this line and
highlight F1 to F4 and hit enter key.
now in the same data validation window choose <error alert>
style <stop>
errormessage type some message e.g. "you have typed wrong"
finally click ok

now if you select A1 , there will be a small arrow on the right. he can
choose from the for lpossibilites
If he himself type wrongly it will stop and give an alert message.
same will happen if you click A2 etc upto A10
experiment with this.

in this waht you want

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