Ah. You're trying to pass the OpenArgs from the main to the sub report.
There is a timing issue there, i.e. Access opens the subreport before the
main report.
Applying the main report's filter to the sub is a perennial problem. The
simplest workaround is usually to use a form where the user enters all the
applicable criteria in different controls, and then have the subreport's
source query read the values from the form. The query contains things like:
SELECT * FROM MySubTable WHERE SomeField = Forms!MyForm!SomeControl;
Although I have not tried using OpenArgs as you suggest, it would be
possible. If we are talking about a single value always applied to the same
field of the subreport, you could put a Text box on main report with
ControlSource of:
and name it in the LinkMasterFields property of the subreport, with the
sub's matching field in LinkChildFields.
If it is a complex argument, is should be possible to parse the values in
Report_Open, write them to a number of unbound text boxes, and assign
For really involved criteria where none of these approaches are suitable,
you do have another possibility. Assuming the user always opens the report
from a form, you can simply write the SQL property of the query the
subreport uses so that it returns only the desired records for this run.