Change display units to different sizes

  • Thread starter Thread starter beeawwb
  • Start date Start date


Good morning all.

I'm trying to get a chart with 6 series' to display over a differen
scale on the X axis, over different values.

To be more clear (I'm not even sure how to say it) I have the value
plotted between 0 and 650 (automatic). However, only 2 series hav
values higher than 200. What I currently do is, have 2 identica
charts, but change the display values to

and 200-Automatic.

Is there anyway to make the first half of a chart display 0-200,and th
second half display 200-Automatic maximum?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

There are ways to simulate the effect. See the 'Broken y axis' page of
my web site. However, what you are doing is probably much more
efficient. You can format the two charts to look like one. Adapt the
ideas on the 'Stacked Charts' page of my web site.


Tushar Mehta, MS MVP -- Excel
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