Change Desktop Icons.

Dec 14, 2007
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I need help to change The Send to Desktop.. program icons to small pictures & animation characters that i would prefer.

Why i would like to be able to do this is because my Grandaughter is disabled and she is a special need's child who has limited words and cannot read.

Claire has now got a new lcd touch screen monitor donated by the Adis Trust. I downloaded loads of short video programs from (Priory Woods School) who care for such children and more, these short videos are really suitable for all kid's there is even a tutorial for those who are able to construct a short animation & sound video for the benefit of these children.

Now when i download these short video's to the desktop the icons have a single letter.. f and since Priory Woods School videos use macromedia Flash i take it that f means flash this is what i would like to change to pictures and animation from this site mentioned so Claire will recognise a picture of a particular video instead of an f then she can then choose her favourites instead of what she does presently and that is touch or press this f at random .
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Hi Rarebit
Is the "F" in the image below what you are now seeinng on your desktop..? If it is then i'm afraid you won't be able to change it as in the same way you can change images for Desktop icons, as this "F" is showing a shortcut to a paticular file type. YOu probably could change the "F" for an image of your choice, but then that image would goto every Flash file and not an individual one. If that makes sence to you...?


Thanks for your reply Madx, I'm sorry to report that this is the emblem on the desktop.

Please have a look at this Priory Woods School site anyway.

Cheers Madx.
rarebit said:
Thanks for your reply Madx, I'm sorry to report that this is the emblem on the desktop.

Please have a look at this Priory Woods School site anyway.

Cheers Madx.

Ok I might stand to be corrected...I think I know how it can be done..I'll let you know in a few minutes..
Right it can be done..Are your images already in .ico format..? if not you'll have to convert them...Here's a link for an online converter...Convert them and save them to a folder of your choice..Create one on your desktoop for ease of use for now..
Once you have that done, goto where ever the videos that you have downloaded are stored and
Right click > Send to > Desktop(Create Shortcut) once all your videos are on the desktop, you'll see the "F" as you pointed out.

Right click each shortcut and goto properties, In the properties box you'll see "Change Icon" click on thisand a new window will appear.In this window you'll see "Look for icons in this file" Select browse and select the file you have your newly cionverted icons in, or icons you may have downloaded..From there, select the icon you wish to use for that paticular video. Select OK..Window will close, select Apply, then ok and that window will close..There you go, your icon is now changed..Repeat for all the videos..Nice thing is addin your own icons, you won't have that pescky shortcut arrow...Hope this is of help to you..Any questions, just post back....