Caper said:
I was using an ATI All-in-wonder 7200. I thought that may have been
the problem so I uninstalled all the ATI related stuff using the ATI
uninstall program. Then I went and bought a new ATI AIW X800 and did
a new install and ... low and behold still have the same problem.
Any ideas? Suggestions? What I am trying to do is increase the font
size on the desktop so I can read the screen.
Did you uninstall/reinstall BOTH the hardware AND sofware, drivers, etc.?
You can uninstall and replace via the Device Manager screen.
With getting into the guts of your system like you are, it would be highly
advisable to be certain you have a good backup done and saved to another
Have you tried a Repair Install of XP? You'll have to reapply the updates
et al, but you won't lose any data if things go right. As always, have your
backup current.
You've used some very vague descriptions of what yhou've done: Have you
tried the Control Panel | Display route to make these changes?
You could try this, from Safe Mode or, if that won't work, from a Command
Locate the rundll and copy the same on e in the i386 folder to that same
location. i386 is a storage location where XP gets file replacements from
if it needs them.
As an almost last resort, you could run sfc; have you tried that? Careful,
that one can change a LOT of things you dn't want changed, so READ the
screen while you use it.
I think a Repair Install is your quickest way back at the moment.