Dear Dave;
I tried your macro, but it did not change the search parameter to 'Value' and it did not close. I copied your macro and pasted it directly into a macro in a blank Excel file, then saved that file to my xlStartup folder. The file opens at startup, but does not operate as advertised.
My questions: Do I need to have content in the startup Excel file? Or, are there parameters in your macro that need to be changed for my individual use? Or, do you think I've done something wrong incorprating the macro into my startup file?
(I am not greatly familiar with macros; thanks for the link to 'getting started' website.)
Pat Sanford
Dave Peterson wrote:
Re: Change default search to Value, not formula?
Saved from a previous post
Excel tries to help by remembering the last settings you used--except for th
first search in that session
You can use that to your advantage
You could make a dummy workbook and put it in your xlStart folder. Have
macro in that workbook that does a find (and sets all the stuff the way yo
like). Then closes and gets out of the way
Option Explici
Sub auto_open(
Worksheets("sheet1").Cells.Find What:="", After:=ActiveCell,
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows,
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False
ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=Fals
End Su
The workbook opens, does a find (to fix your settings) and then closes to ge
out of the way
If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at
But if you do an Edit|Find and change anything, then those changed settings wil
be remembered
Auto wrote
Dave Peterson
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