In message <
[email protected]> of Fri, 17 Oct 2003
16:21:59 in microsoft.public.win2000.cmdprompt.admin, Randy Boone
Can't help, unfortunately, but can confirm the problem.
I have corrected the HOMEPATH environmental variable,
and it reads correctly under System, but still, if
a SET command is done, the HOMEPATH variable remains
set to C:\Documents and Settings, despite reboots.
For us it is non-trivial as well.
We use ARC/INFO software that cannot manage
a workspace that contains spaces, and generates errors.
The SET HOME=\Workspace command allows the software to
work, but such a work-around does not work for
As you say, it started just after the last critical
(via start menu/run) defaults to C:\Documents and
Settings\"current_user" rather than just to C:\ like it
used to. where can I change this back to open in the
original location? all the PCs in our company have files
accessed by users everyday in the root dir of C:\
What last critical update?
What system?
I was filleted following a critical update. Most of my work is done from
a cmd.exe prompt. Often, I start a command which is going to take a
while and realise the result is not what was intended. I do Ctrl+C to
abort. Now, nothing happens for about 40 seconds. I find myself killing
the necessary process(es) from the Task Manager which I managed without
for years.
The problem. I dont understand what either of you have done and so some
of what I say is likely to be wasted.
"Start/Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables" allows
setting environment variables for system and the logged on user. Does
that not give you what you need?
The properties of %windir%\_default.pif (mine is in
C:\winnt\_default.pif) may be useful.
I have a .bat file run each time I start cmd.exe. It contains the
following comment:
:: On Windows 2000, file triggered when cmd.exe starts by the setting of
:: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
:: PATH etc set by
:: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
:: or
:: HKCU\Environment
:: On Windows Millennium Edition, following data are set
:: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Environment
:: (set with start msconfig)
:: Alternatively, call from C:\winme\command\cmdinit.bat
The WME stuff is OT but may help somebody.
The following is the contents of a .reg file trimmed just to show the
relevant value
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor]
Please report the usefulness or otherwise of this in this newsgroup.