I'm using XPSP2. I'd like to change the default yellow folder to a
default blue folder on one system, and default to other colors on
other systems. It would help me to know which is which when I'm
collecting my documents and organizing them.
I'm afraid to mess with shell32.exe -- if I edit it, will it still
Also, the My Documents folder won't show the icon in shell32. Even
using a customization won't make it stick. The MyMusic & MyPictures
icons seem to work fine. Any hints on how to add the MyDocuments
folder icon?
Lady Dungeness
Crabby, but Great Legs!
default blue folder on one system, and default to other colors on
other systems. It would help me to know which is which when I'm
collecting my documents and organizing them.
I'm afraid to mess with shell32.exe -- if I edit it, will it still
Also, the My Documents folder won't show the icon in shell32. Even
using a customization won't make it stick. The MyMusic & MyPictures
icons seem to work fine. Any hints on how to add the MyDocuments
folder icon?
Lady Dungeness
Crabby, but Great Legs!