Change color and shape of Control Tip



And yet another Control Tip question -

Is is possible to change the shape of a Control Tip make a
bubble? Does the box/bubble have to be yellow or can the color be changed?

L Calaway

Stephen Lebans

See: is a database containing a custom ToolTip class for use
in A97 or higher. is a database containing both an API and Form based
ToolTip solutions. The Form based solution can be used for forms in
DataSheet view.

Enhanced features include:

Selectable delay times for Toolltip to first appear
Selectable delay times for Tooltip to dissappear
Selectable Text Color
Selectable Background Color
Selectable Margins
Specify Tooltip size
Add a title to the Tooltip in Bold
Selectable Icon for the Tooltip
ToolTips for Lines, Boxes, any rectangular area on your Form


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Thank you, Stephen, for the help. I see how the color works and fixed my
database for that quickly. The shape problem does present a bit of a
challenge to understand how it works.


I used the ToolTip solution on my Desktop computer which runs Windows XP2002
SP1 and MS Access 2003 SP1. I created the database in Access 2003 and saved
it back to 2000. It works just fine, over and over.

I transferred the database to my laptop which is running Windows XP2002 SP1
and MSAccess 2000 SP3.
On my laptop I get a Run-time error 13 - Type Mismatch. The Debug button
takes me to a Call within the VB - Call .Create(Me).

What have I done wrong? Or, do I need something more?
L Calaway

Stephen Lebans

The Tooltips class has been tested against all current WIndows/Access
versions. You probably have an implemenation issue that may not even
have anything to do with the Tooltips class. Check your References on
your Laptop and then try to compile the project.

Copy the sample Tooltips database over to your Laptop. Ensure it runs
properly. Now check the setup code behind the sample Form and see what
you are missing from your implementation.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


I will test. Thank you.
L Calaway
Stephen Lebans said:
The Tooltips class has been tested against all current WIndows/Access
versions. You probably have an implemenation issue that may not even
have anything to do with the Tooltips class. Check your References on
your Laptop and then try to compile the project.

Copy the sample Tooltips database over to your Laptop. Ensure it runs
properly. Now check the setup code behind the sample Form and see what
you are missing from your implementation.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

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