Change Capitals To Lower Case?

  • Thread starter Thread starter cb12
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Is there a freeware program that can change many song titles(Or any text
file or program folders) at one click From all capital letters to lower case
letters.I have thousands of songs I copied but it copied them all in capital
letters.It did the same thing to many of my folders.Thanks in
advance.Underline,_ after billyboy. (e-mail address removed) ,or
(e-mail address removed)
cb12 said:
Is there a freeware program that can change many song titles(Or any text
file or program folders) at one click From all capital letters to lower case
letters.I have thousands of songs I copied but it copied them all in capital
letters.It did the same thing to many of my folders.Thanks in
advance.Underline,_ after billyboy. (e-mail address removed) ,or
(e-mail address removed)

Are you meaning the file/folder name's?


Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!

I know I'm probably wrong, I just like taking part ;o)
Is there a freeware program that can change many song titles(Or any
text file or program folders) at one click From all capital letters to
lower case letters.I have thousands of songs I copied but it copied
them all in capital letters.It did the same thing to many of my
folders.Thanks in advance.Underline,_ after billyboy.
(e-mail address removed) ,or (e-mail address removed)

If you're talking about file names, try the following batch file:

:: __________________________________________________________________
:: Batch File: Lowname.bat
:: Author: Frank-Peter Schultze
:: Updates:
:: Enhancement Req.
:: And Bug Reports: (e-mail address removed)
:: Built/Tested On: Windows 98 SE, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000
:: Requirements: OS: Windows 95+, Windows NT4+
:: Purpose: Rename all file names in current directory to
:: lower case file names.
:: Syntax: No arguments required.
:: Assumptions And
:: Limitations: Lowname.bat could rename itself
:: Last Update: 2001-10-04
:: __________________________________________________________________
@Echo Off
If :'==%1' If Not %2'==' Goto %2
Set | Find "winbootdir=" > NUL
If ErrorLevel 1 If Not %OS%'==Windows_NT' For %%C In (Echo Goto:End) Do
%%C Windows 9x/NT/2K Batch File.
If Not %1'==/?' Goto Begin
Echo Renames all file names in current dir to lower case file names.
Echo Lowname
Goto End
Echo Rename all file names in current dir to lower case file names?
Echo Press [Ctrl-C] to cancel or:
If Not %OS%'==Windows_NT' Goto Win9x
For /F "tokens=*" %%F In ('Dir /B /L') Do Move "%%F" "%%F"
Goto End
LfnFor On
For %%F In (*.*) Do Call %0 : Mc2lc "%%F"
LfnFor Off
If Exist %TEMP%.\Tmp.bat Del %TEMP%.\Tmp.bat
For %%V In (Mix Low) Do Set %%Vcase=
Goto End
:Mc2lc (Mixcase-to-Lowcase)
For %%F In (%3) Do Set Mixcase=%%F
Ren "%Mixcase%" "Set Lowcase=%Mixcase%"
Dir /B /L "Set Lowcase=%Mixcase%" > %TEMP%.\Tmp.bat
Call %TEMP%.\Tmp.bat
Ren "Set Lowcase=%Mixcase%" "%Lowcase%"
cb12 said:
Is there a freeware program that can change many song titles(Or any text
file or program folders) at one click From all capital letters to lower case
letters.I have thousands of songs I copied but it copied them all in capital
letters.It did the same thing to many of my folders.Thanks in
advance.Underline,_ after billyboy. (e-mail address removed) ,or
(e-mail address removed)
This may not be any use to you, but in Exel and 1-2-3 (and I presume
other spreadsheets as well) there is a "Proper" function. If you could
paste titles into column A of the sheet, you could compose the formula
in column B: @PROPER(A1) and copy it down the range.

This keeps the initial capital letter but makes the rest of each word
lower case. Alternatively use @LOWER which makes the entire word lower

Finally, copy column B and paste it using the option "Paste formulas as
values" or similar.
cb12 said:
Is there a freeware program that can change many song titles(Or any
text file or program folders) at one click From all capital letters
to lower case letters.I have thousands of songs I copied but it
copied them all in capital letters.It did the same thing to many of
my folders.

Just about any file renamer program. CKRename is one such...


dadiOH's dandies v3.0...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at
Is there a freeware program that can change many song titles(Or any text
file or program folders) at one click From all capital letters to lower case

I run into stuff like this occasionally and create my own EXE to do
the job. I install AutoItv3 from

once installed, I right click my desktop and choose "New AutoItv3
script". A script appears on my desktop and I right-click it and
choose "edit script". I add these lines to the script...

If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then Exit
FileMove($CmdLine[1],$CmdLine[1] & ".tmp")
FileMove($CmdLine[1] & ".tmp",StringLower($CmdLine[1]),1)

Now I right-click the saved script and choose "compile script" and the
..au3 turns into an .exe

Now, any file I drag and drop onto the EXE will have it's name changed
to lower case.

If you get more advanced you can create a script that does all the
files in a folder at once...

I could write that for you... if you want to come to
and ask for it...

(Open-Source AutoItv3 developer)
(e-mail address removed) (larrydalooza) wrote in
I run into stuff like this occasionally and create my own EXE to do
the job. I install AutoItv3 from

Dead link. Try for release version 2
or for the beta version.

Believe it or not, the address is case-sensitive. (I tried it on Internet
Explorer 6 and two Gecko browsers, K-Meleon and Firefox, both version 0.8x)

["cb12"; Tue, 17 Feb 2004 21:24:33 GMT]
Subject: Change Capitals To Lower Case?

Another question: Are there any file renamers with the internal ability to
capitalize according to proper English conventions, or at least that can
be configured to do this? For example, "The Ring of Gyges" instead of "The
Ring Of Gyges."
The one I use is a cmdline utility by Ronald Nordberg, called
"". "Tolow converts all long filenames in a directory to
lowercase. Useful for html-file managing. Contains asm,com and a txt
file." Find it at <>.


Luigi M Bianchi
Science and Technology Studies
Room 2048 TEL Building
York University, 4700 Keele St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J-1P3
phone: +1 (416) 736-2100 x-30104 fax: +1 (416) 736-5188
mail: lbianchi at yorku dot ca
["cb12"; Tue, 17 Feb 2004 21:24:33 GMT]
Subject: Change Capitals To Lower Case?

Another question: Are there any file renamers with the internal ability to
capitalize according to proper English conventions, or at least that can
be configured to do this? For example, "The Ring of Gyges" instead of "The
Ring Of Gyges."

Try "The Godfather" at:

It doeas exactly what you need.
