Is there a freeware program that can change many song titles(Or any
text file or program folders) at one click From all capital letters to
lower case letters.I have thousands of songs I copied but it copied
them all in capital letters.It did the same thing to many of my
folders.Thanks in advance.Underline,_ after billyboy.
(e-mail address removed) ,or (e-mail address removed)
If you're talking about file names, try the following batch file:
:: __________________________________________________________________
:: Batch File: Lowname.bat
:: Author: Frank-Peter Schultze
:: Updates:
:: Enhancement Req.
:: And Bug Reports: (e-mail address removed)
:: Built/Tested On: Windows 98 SE, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000
:: Requirements: OS: Windows 95+, Windows NT4+
:: Purpose: Rename all file names in current directory to
:: lower case file names.
:: Syntax: No arguments required.
:: Assumptions And
:: Limitations: Lowname.bat could rename itself
:: Last Update: 2001-10-04
:: __________________________________________________________________
@Echo Off
If :'==%1' If Not %2'==' Goto %2
Set | Find "winbootdir=" > NUL
If ErrorLevel 1 If Not %OS%'==Windows_NT' For %%C In (Echo Goto:End) Do
%%C Windows 9x/NT/2K Batch File.
If Not %1'==/?' Goto Begin
Echo Renames all file names in current dir to lower case file names.
Echo Lowname
Goto End
Echo Rename all file names in current dir to lower case file names?
Echo Press [Ctrl-C] to cancel or:
If Not %OS%'==Windows_NT' Goto Win9x
For /F "tokens=*" %%F In ('Dir /B /L') Do Move "%%F" "%%F"
Goto End
LfnFor On
For %%F In (*.*) Do Call %0 : Mc2lc "%%F"
LfnFor Off
If Exist %TEMP%.\Tmp.bat Del %TEMP%.\Tmp.bat
For %%V In (Mix Low) Do Set %%Vcase=
Goto End
:Mc2lc (Mixcase-to-Lowcase)
For %%F In (%3) Do Set Mixcase=%%F
Ren "%Mixcase%" "Set Lowcase=%Mixcase%"
Dir /B /L "Set Lowcase=%Mixcase%" > %TEMP%.\Tmp.bat
Call %TEMP%.\Tmp.bat
Ren "Set Lowcase=%Mixcase%" "%Lowcase%"