Change autocorrect from making first letter lower case after tab?

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I have been trying to change the auto correct settings to stop making the
first letter of the word lower case after I tab. I need to put a letter "A"
then tab over and the sentence needs to be capital. It sees it as the same
sentence and makes it lower case.
I don't think you can do this. You can suppress capitalisation after
particular strings but not impose it.

If what you are trying to do is create a list you can set 'numbering'
(Format > Bullets and Numbering > Numbered tab) to use A, B, C, etc. The
text after the tab will then be considered a new sentence and capitalised.
Thanks Tony, this is what I found too. I was hoping I was wrong. I cannot
use the bullet system as I need specific unordered letters at the beginning
of the categories. Not ABC, 123, etc. I guess I'll be doing a lot of
backspacing. Argh!
I did find that if I turn off the AddIn that I am using, it does not give me
this complication. That may be my answer, but again, extra keystrokes.Thanks