B Bob Jann Apr 5, 2009 #1 How can I change the background color in XP and applications? How do you change colors when creating a theme?
How can I change the background color in XP and applications? How do you change colors when creating a theme?
A Andrew E. Apr 7, 2009 #2 Open internet options,colors button,change color(s),as for windows explorer,read kb307856
T TompangBuddy.Com Apr 9, 2009 #3 Hello, See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310543 for applications that follow the standard Windows style. For applications that use their own UI especially games, you need to use the app's options. _____________ http://www.tompangbuddy.com Share Cab, Carpool and Save Earth in Singapore http://www.bootstrike.com/VHSVideoConvert/ Video Conversion Service VHS Video8 Hi8 miniDv Digital8 VHS-C S-VHS tapes to VCD/DVD
Hello, See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310543 for applications that follow the standard Windows style. For applications that use their own UI especially games, you need to use the app's options. _____________ http://www.tompangbuddy.com Share Cab, Carpool and Save Earth in Singapore http://www.bootstrike.com/VHSVideoConvert/ Video Conversion Service VHS Video8 Hi8 miniDv Digital8 VHS-C S-VHS tapes to VCD/DVD